Bataquitos Sunset

It never quite went off tonight. The clouds were perfectly set, but too much scud rolled in before the sun got below the clouds. I was worried about that, so I went to my spot underneath the bridge, hoping the extra mile inland would help. At first it looked like it was going to be great, as you can see in the first photo. But it wasn’t enough. The clouds kept rolling in and. I held hope as the sky started going light and for about a minute there was a lovely reflection and some lit clouds, but then the vibrancy died off and it was just a spot of glow and grey.

Alas, at the same time, the east was lit up with spectacular pink and purple. But, being beneath the bridge with all the water to the west of me, that did me no good. The last photo is what’s behind me at this spot, a bridge, a freeway offramp, and some bushes. Far less dramatic than still, reflecting waters.

Might have been a good night to take this lagoon from the other direction. I should scout the overlooks up the road. I’ve avoided them because the background is a mall and a wal mart, but maybe there’s some creative framing to be done for evenings like this.

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