The Village and along the seawall

One of those days. You know, the ones everyone not from here think happen every day. They don’t, and when you get a February day with warm sunshine, unlimited visibility, and a gentle breeze you go out and enjoy it. I parked along the coast highway, walked the seawall to the jetty then back to the village, then walked the bluff back to my truck.

I tried to hit the driving range, but it’s so popular with the ‘rona that Arturo and I couldn’t even get a single spot, much less two near each other, without a long wait. Walking along the beach is almost as good.

The pictures if Pig Liquor and Neimans are for comparison. I intend to shoot them with film as well, I’ll eventually see what Ektar looks like, at least in 135, but if I can get an afternoon like this during the week when there are fewer crowds I’ll give it a shot with Provia 100F and maybe Velvia 50.

North of the village is a little park on the Buena Vista lagoon. I was walking there just to get some exercise and see the view of the lagoon along the coast highway at the Oceanside border, but since I was there I decided to take some pictures of the dogs that people bring most evenings. I tried to take pictures of the labradoodle named Buddy, but getting down on the grass seemed to mean you wanted kisses, so he was too difficult. I’ll have to try again when he is a little calmer.1

I also took close ups of the doors in the tree. No place better to dump the photos than here.

1. Maybe in four or five years.

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