Portra 400 in the VIllage

Walking around the Village on a bright, sunny afternoon, burning film just to see how the colors come out. Most of these were taken over the same wonderfully warm weekend, Friday and Sunday. This is all Portra 4001, 135, from the same roll.

My last attempt at Portra I shot +2/3 of a stop, but I accidentally forgot to set the camera to overexpose on Sunday, which I genuinely meant to do as my last experiment with that produced better scans than shooting at box speed. Especially on the more contrasty photos like the Cantina, where I could have used a little reach into those shadows. The picture of Fiesta Liquor taken on Friday is +0.7 and scanned nicely. I could have gotten away with more. The beach shots definitely would have benefited from a little extra, it’s easier and less grainy to pull back a highlight on Portra than to try and recover something in a shadow.

Speaking of… One thing I’m noticing in 135, the grain is a lot more apparent. I’m cool with it on the 6×8 negatives, but these tiny little baby negatives certainly suffer for the higher speed.

1. The B&W photo is from the same roll, I did it in the photo shops just to see how it compared to actual black and white film. I uploaded it by mistake but, what the heck. Might as well share.

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