Super blood flower pink something something…

Why do they keep adding names to the moon? I think super flower blood moon or some shit was what I read on the first site the quack quack go gave me when I was searching to find the time. It was an eclipse. There, that’s plenty clear. Good enough for coding java, good enough to describe a shadow on the moon.

But, alas, it’s not good enough to convince the unseasonably tropical cloudiness to stay at bay. So I got up at 3AM and shot some pics, through a high haze and the gaps in the high cumulus, which never seemed to be completely clear of the moon. As it got closer to the horizon the haze got worse, to the point where I had to add a stop and a half to get the moon even close to exposed. I gave up just after totality as it would go 5 minutes without being visible.

And, yet, the Z6 was able to pull a few usable, if not sharp or particularly good, images. Modern cameras are pretty amazing.


Here’s what I was contending with, weatherwise:

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