Reflections on 2020 and the New Year

This isn’t some introspective blog post or anything. You might get that from the title, but that’s not what it means. I literally was taking pictures of reflections a couple days ago, and then this afternoon at sunset.

The tide has been very low right at sunset this last week, and a low, ebbing tide tends to expose these shallow waves and wet sand flats that reflect the clouds. A couple days ago on my walk the clouds came out a wonderful stripey pattern that made blue and pink in the waves, and today it looked like it might do it again, but we ended up with nothing but cirrus. Still worth it, and I wasn’t the only one there to witness it. Hundreds of people lining the blufftops from the village to south of Terramar, where I decided to watch it myself.

First, the sunset from two days ago. I took a bunch, all handheld, at different exposures, to see what I would get. The tide had ebbed by this moment, and was beginning to turn, so it was a fun game of walking out to the waterline for a shot, then having to scramble back up when a wave came in. Like an enormous sandpiper.


Today’s was far less colorful. And, frankly, I got there late. Probably had a lot of really good golden reflections half an hour earlier, but even the more sedate light was beautiful in person. Just far less spectacular than the clouds above. I’ll post them anyway, because it’s 2021 and these are the first photos of the year. Frankly, 2020 can just fuck right off. Good riddance.

My favorites are the single man standing in the reflections. The somehow reflect the mood of the season.

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