portra 400 tests

Shot some Portra 400 in the afternoon light. Clouds, then sun, then clouds… definitely spring weather in Carlsbad. No great art here, but I have been jonesing to try new things, including messing with different focal lengths and using the tilt/shift on my camera. At 400 speed I was using too high an F-stop to really emphasize the effect here, but the Velvia shots of the bass and the Neville have the grass a touch more out of focus while the strings stay in sharp focus.

So, these are nothing special, thought I really enjoy how inconsequential the grain is on the 6x8s after shooting the Fuji consumer 400 on 135 last week. That shit’s just plain fuzzy! I never bothered to share, they’re trash shots, but now I know why that film’s so cheap. But I digress. For now, these are here so I can share them with friends. Behold!

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