This page is just a place to dump pics you might enjoy. It won’t appear in the menu or search engine.
These are the final shots I took of your performance. Some are great, some have motion blur, but I left them in there simply because they’re the last photos I took of Mitch so… here they are.
Portra 160. I can’t remember which camera, but I’m pretty sure it’s the F6.
This gallery is 1250px:

Taken with the other camera — an F3.
The wide shots are badly composed, but I thought it worth capturing people hanging out and watching. You’re doing OK when someone will just sit down in the gutter and watch your whole set.
These are 800px — cell phone resolution, small size.

And these are 1250px, a little better resolution:

And pictures that would normally never see the light of day
I slapped some 100 speed film in the F3 but forgot to reset the ISO so I my light meter was off. These were woefully underexposed and the negatives were thin even after I pushed development a full stop. So, not my best work, but y’all are rockin’ out and I’m not in a mood to be picky. so, enjoy!
I think they’re all 1250px: