Found these on a CF card

You know, I never bothered to look at the pictures I took a few weeks ago. My digicam is pretty much always in the scanning rig with a macro lens on it, so I very seldom use it in the wild anymore. But a few mornings this spring I did head outside with the long lens to take pictures of the neighborhood hawk, and 3 weeks ago I quick like snapped pictures of my poppies before the gophers ate them, then promptly forgot about it all.

Here are some samples. I’d like to say more to come, but who knows? I may not be interested in digging through old digital files any time soon.



1250 px

A Hawk

Red Shouldered, I believe. A pair have been courting recently and they spend a lot of time screeching for each other until the crows come by and try to chase them away. In flight pics are rough — I spun the ISO too high and for some reason didn’t open up the lens to F8 where it’s fast and sharp. At least I was smart enough to do so when he perched on the telephone pole.

Last year I watched them grab claws and spiral to the earth, pulling out just above the trees across the street, on two occasions. Always drama with the raptors. But now when I hear the screeching I head outside hoping to see it again. Alas, it hasn’t happened this year, and never with a camera in my hand. But at least I got a nice portrait before the crows chased him off his perch.


Portraits. First 1250px for phones:

And a little bigger for the desktoppers: